The hype here at #SPC14 is absolutely huge. I am extremely excited about so many new things that are announced. I’m going to start keeping track of everything I find interesting and post it, so keep an eye out.
For developers:
Office Web Widgets (Preview) – Nice components for provider hosted apps. The People Picker is something to check out.
Office SDK for Android – – this looks like a repository that the MS Office team will publish dev related stuff. So far the Android SDK is there, but maybe that’s it.
SharePoint Workflow Apps – I still need to find a link for this one. Keep an eye for an update.
Office 365 Device and website Apps – Same as above. Keep an eye for an update.
SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online solution pack for branding and site provisioning – Nice, putting this in my reading todo list.
Office App Model samples – (Blogged by Vesa here: – Really nice stuff, I saw Steve Walker hit the “publish” button in front of me. That was epic…. I can’t wait to find time to check these out
There’s some other new stuff like O365 Discovery Services & Azure AD OAuth. I still have to get my head around that one.