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I’m speaking at SPC14 and ESPC14!

It has been a quiet period on blogging, but I have been very active in presentations and conferences. Well… not as active as Joel, Michael and Paul, but still active J

Catch me next at:

The SharePoint Conference 2014 in Las Vega, yeah baby!!!!

Session 1: Access is back! High-value, ‘no code’, functional & flexible business apps with the new Access services

Microsoft Access 2013 and Access Services 2013 have made a huge step forward… one of the greatest advancements on top of the new SharePoint platform. Anyone can build powerful business solutions in minutes. The new Access 2013 allows you to follow agile development from your business units and remain confident the data is secured, backed up, and managed appropriately. We will look at how you can leverage the SharePoint Apps model and use SQL Azure as a backend database. We, too, will talk about how your legacy Access applications could be brought forward and migrated.

This will be a technical session focused on functionality, capability, process and architecture. There will be ‘no code’ and we will discuss the rationale of why this should be in your development arsenal.

Date: Tuesday, March 4

Time: 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM

Room: Murano 3201-3303

Session Type: Best Practices

Session Code: SPC301

Audience: IT Professional

Level: 300

Product: Access, Office 365, SharePoint 2013

Tag: 2013, Access, Access Services, Apps, Cloud, On-Premises, Solutions, Tools

Role: Administrator, Application Manager, Database Administrator, IT Architect, Software Architect, Systems Administrator


This session currently has 474 attendees confirmed… WOW, just wow!!!


Session 2: SharePoint 2013 Work Management Service deep dive

Where do you keep track of all your tasks? Outlook? SharePoint? Maybe Project Server? Storing them across multiple applications is a pure Information Worker challenge. SharePoint 2013 has the new Work Management Service Application to solve these issues. It aggregates tasks across SharePoint, Exchange, Project Server and there’s even a story for TFS. There’s not that much documentation out there on how to configure it, how to maintain and work with it. In this session I will walk through the architecture and setup, and go over how it operates and what you need to know to keep it alive. I will demonstrate the features and discuss all of the technical aspects.

Date: Wednesday, March 5

Time: 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM

Room: Murano 3201-3303

Session Type: Deep Dive

Session Code: SPC342

Audience: IT Professional

Level: 300

Product: Exchange, Project, SharePoint 2013

Tag: 2013, Architecture, Deployment, On-Premises



The European SharePoint Conference 2014 in Barcelona, 5-8th May:

SharePoint 2013 App Authentication

SharePoint 2013 introduces a new App model that is drastically changing the way developers think about and deliver new functionality. This talk is a deep dive on SharePoint 15 App authentication and how it works, how tokens get exchanged and how the communication is secured. We will look at the framework API and architecture, all the various bells and whistles of OAuth and Server-2-Server authentication. This talk is developer oriented and we will spend a lot of time covering the specifics on OAuth authentication & tokens, communication back to SharePoint, the different deployment models, various limitations and how to overcome them and apply them to the real world.

Link: SharePoint 2013 App Authentication

Soon I will also be posting the upcoming local user group sessions. Stay tuned 🙂

#spc14, #espc14