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Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.ActiveDirectory updated to ASP.NET Core RTM

Since the ASP.NET Core RTM bits came out it’s time to update all RC1/RC2 solutions and NuGet packages to run under RTM.

Find it here:

The steps to update are not that difficult, but here they are in general:

  1. Global.json should be updated, and the version here is important. Notice the bits are in preview (we still don’t have VS2015 tooling that is RTM at the time of writing this):
“projects”: [ “src” ],
“sdk”: { “version”: “1.0.0-preview2-003121” }
  1. Change all dependencies from Microsoft.AspNet.Something to Microsoft.AspNetCore.Something. Some libraries have been totally rearranged.
  2. Update the project.json file. There are quite a few things to be done and intellisense is good at pointing them out. The most important:
“frameworks”: {
“netcoreapp1.0”: {},
“net451”: { }

This essentially means the library can run in both frameworks, cool.

The code has also significantly changed/improved – lots of work around redirects and working with the ASP.NET Cookie Middleware.

Feel free to ping me if you have issues.