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My slides from the European SharePoint Conference 2013

So, European SharePoint Conference 2013… lots of fun, lots of friends and an absolute goldmine for business contacts.

My session – Building SharePoint 2013 Apps – Architecture, Authentication & Connectivity API – rolled out a score of 8.2/10. Not bad, I even got a mention that it was in the highest ranking talks.

What I spoke about:

  • A quick technical overview of SharePoint Apps, just to set the scene
  • Why we need to consider Apps
  • How Apps “work” inside of SharePoint – the app domain, IIS and DNS, how the Site Subscription Service and App Management Service come into play and what their role is
  • Authentication – How OAuth works with a neat demo in Fiddler
  • Server-2-Server Authentication – How to set up S2S and how it differs from OAuth
  • Token fun – context, refresh, bearer, access tokens and whatever else I could throw in

Unfortunately I didn’t have time for App licensing and REST/CSOM communication.

Another cool galleons galore step for me – I got recognised as the Top Influencer for Bulgaria:
